Gandhi on Blu-ray released

GANDHI : BLU-ray disk: Amazing quality of video and audio to watch this masterpiece.

"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this walked the earth in flesh and blood."—Albert Einstein, on Gandhi's passing

This film, based on true events which had a profound effect on the world, needs little introduction. Gandhi is an epic in every sense of the word from its passionate subject matter to its lengthy three hours running time. The Academy Awards in 1982 were taken over by Gandhi fever as the film picked up no less than 8 Oscars including the all-important Best Picture, Best Screenplay for John Briley, Best Director for Lord Richard Attenborough, and with Sir Ben Kingsley walking away with a Best Actor award.

This film follows Gandhi’s long and arduous journey from the moment he decided to fight against widespread oppression to his ill-fated demise which had such a huge impact all over the world. The man is mentally, emotionally, and physically abused yet he never strays from his belief that passive resistance is the only way forward. If nothing else this film contains many valuable quotes from the great man and the most important of all being the famous sentiment that an eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.

While reacquainting myself with the film a worrying thought crossed my mind. I wonder if Gandhi’s story would be anywhere near as well known if not for the fact that this film was not only made but that it had such an overwhelming reaction. The notion that such an important event could be hidden away in history books further convinces me that the power of the ability to educate through the medium of film should never be overlooked.


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